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    6th Floor, Ngome Holding House

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    +255 222 701 431



Proposed land use plan at ubungo sites which is currently accomodated by TBS Head Quarter. The proposed zones are Administration Zone, Laboratory Zone, Parking Zone and Material and Testing Zones. The remaining area is used for passive recreational services on the open space covered by vegetations.

Detailed Description of actual services provided by our staff: The actual services provided by the CRM Land Consult Staff include

  1. Review of existing land uses, revalidate with the use of satellite imagery, in order to identity key land development issues, potentials and constraints.
  2. Review of physical development in each site in order to propose appropriate functions that reflect the real value of land the actual and future requirements of TBS activities
  3. Assessment the current utilities and infrastructural facilities for the purpose of identifying key planning issues and gap between supply and demand at the moment and in the future.
  4. Collection and analysis of spatial, economic and environmental data for the purpose of developing situational analysis report (environmental profile) of the TBS sites as basis for planning
  5. v. Formulation of spatial development plan (master plan) which include site plans, infrastructure plan (power supply, sanitation, solid waste disposal, water supply, and internal circulation system-road network) and the 3-D models for proposed land use plan to guide and coordinate the orderly and optimal spatial development in the TBS sites.
  6. Identification of development projects, cost estimates and associated implementation strategies